Why pop star Dan Hartman was too gay to be a straight man

  1.  He had no proper man's clothing of his own in his younger years in the early '70s while he was with the pop/rock group, The Edgar Winter Group.
  2. He couldn't wear a tuxedo.
  3. A family life he couldn't afford to live.
  4. He never had a wife.
  5. He couldn't find a new fiance, named, Michelle Kepler.
  6. He was never married to her; they had no children.
  7. He never became a father.
  8. No straightness.
  9. No masculinization surgery for him.
  10. He wouldn't be transformed into a straight man with a straight attitude.
  11. He became HIV-positive in the late 1980s.
  12. There was no one call 911 anytime he fell down to the ground.
  13. He wouldn't have time to get a flu shot.
  14. AIDS came his way and ate up his life. So did brain tumor.
  15. Since there was no cure for him, his life ended on March 22, 1994.


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